DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/16/94 - ACT TWO 25. 20 CONTINUED: BAREIL I suggest that we put off any discussion of the Cardassians returning the Orbs until after diplomatic relations have been established. WINN That will only delay an inevitable argument. BAREIL But it will give the peace process a chance to grow. Once the Cardassians are invested in the process, it may be easier to discuss matters like this. Winn isn't happy with that answer, but she can see the wisdom of it. Bashir ENTERS in the b.g. WINN (reluctant) Very well. BAREIL A wise decision, Eminence. WINN I hope so, Vedek Bareil. (glances at Bashir) The first meeting with Turrel is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I will see you again before then. Winn EXITS. Bareil picks up on Bashir's grim look. BAREIL You're not here to deliver good news, I take it?