19:[1,#b],132:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/11/94 - ACT TWO 20A. 16A CONTINUED: NOG No we don't. I guarantee that we can beat them. JAKE It's not that. I just can't do it tomorrow night. NOG But it has to be tomorrow night. They're leaving the next day. JAKE I... I made other plans. NOG What could be more important than dom-jot? JAKE I have a date. NOG Oh. Well, that's different. JAKE It is? NOG Yeah. Money is money, but women are better. JAKE Is that a Rule of Acquisition? NOG It's a personal rule. So, who is she? JAKE Leanne. NOG Leanne! Way to go, Jake. He pats him on the shoulder. NOG (continuing) So, what's the name of my date? I hope she's as cute as Leanne. JAKE Your date?