DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/16/94 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: Suddenly on the monitor, a PINPOINT OF LIGHT flashes on in Bareil's brain. Bashir reacts. BASHIR Wait a minute... A neuron just fired in his cerebral cortex. The Nurse places Bareil's arm back on the table and moves to Bashir. And as she does so, another pinpoint of light appears in the brain schematic. BASHIR There it is again. Bashir thinks... looks over at Bareil. He moves over and touches Bareil's arm -- and as he does so, another pinpoint of light appears in his brain. BASHIR His nerves... his nerves are still transmitting electrical impulses to his brain... NURSE How can that be? His brain activity level is zero. His nervous system should be completely inactive. BASHIR I don't know... but it means that his body is still capable of sending messages to the brain... except the brain can't process those messages.