DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/18/94 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: BASHIR (beat) His vital signs are deteriorating too quickly, we can't wait any longer. (to Nurse) Prep him for surgery. As they rush about and prepare Bareil for surgery... CUT TO: 7 INT. INFIRMARY O'BRIEN ENTERS and hands Sisko a PADD. Winn is sitting on the edge of the bed now as Kira looks on. O'BRIEN The report on the transport, sir. SISKO Give me the short version. O'BRIEN There was a molecular fracture in one of the warp plasma conduits. It was only a matter of time until it gave way... once it collapsed the entire relay system exploded. WINN Was it sabotage? O'BRIEN I don't think so. KIRA (to Winn) Why would you suspect sabotage? Winn glances around. WINN I'd prefer to discuss that with the Emissary in private.