163:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/11/94 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: Odo, Bashir, and the Nurse move to help the wounded. ODO (to wounded N.D.) It's going to be all right... NURSE (to wounded N.D.) I've got you. Suddenly KAI WINN comes staggering out of the airlock, aided by another Bajoran. BAJORAN This way, Eminence. BASHIR (shocked) Kai Winn... ? WINN (coughing) The Vedek... take care of the Vedek... Two N.D. Bajorans now ENTER from the airlock carrying someone between them. Bashir rushes up to them and reacts in shock to what he sees. Odo sees his reaction and looks at the wounded man -- it's a badly wounded VEDEK BAREIL. ODO (to com) Odo to Kira. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira here. INTERCUT: 2A INT. OPS As Kira listens to Odo. ODO'S COM VOICE I think you should meet us in the Infirmary, Major. Vedek Bareil was on the transport... and he's been injured. Off Kira's reaction... 3 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF TEASER