DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 41 CONTINUED: (2) As the hostages file in to Lee's cubicle, Webb approaches Danny, who's sleeping in a corner... SISKO (to Bashir) I want you in there with them. Make sure they keep their heads down. BASHIR (nods) I'll see if I can find something to block the doorway. 42 NEW ANGLE Webb gently wakes Danny... WEBB Danny, wake up... Danny stirs, looks at his dad with eyes full of sleep. Webb tries to keep the tension from his voice. WEBB Time for you to go. DANNY But I want to stay here with you. WEBB I'll meet up with you later. Danny moves to give him a hug... and Webb crushes him to his chest... holds him for a long beat... WEBB Tell your mom that I love her... and give your sister a kiss for me. (they separate) Go on, now... Danny looks at his dad, knowing that this might be the last time he sees him. After a beat, he heads for the door. As he passes B.C., he stops him. B.C. Hey, kid.