DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 11/01/94 - ACT FIVE 51. KIRA'S COM VOICE Dax, am I glad to hear your voice. DAX Where are you? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE We should be in the exact location where you beamed in. DAX I'll meet you there. KIRA'S COM VOICE Are Sisko and Bashir with you? DAX No... I'll explain everything when I see you. END INTERCUT ON STREET: KIRA The transporter is set to automatically retrieve us in about a minute. You'd better deactivate your combadge. DAX'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Kira and O'Brien deactivate their combadges with a double click. O'BRIEN We'll reactivate them tomorrow in time for the next beam out. Kira and O'Brien glance around to see that a MAN walking a small DOG is staring at them... he looks away when he sees them notice him, moves off. KIRA Should be an interesting day... Off this moment... 41 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - LATE NIGHT #4 Sisko and Bashir are watching the hostages. Most everyone else is asleep. VIN -- best ball club I ever saw? VIN The ninety-nine Yankees, no doubt about it.