DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FOUR 42. B.C. (shaking his head) Too bad... (off Webb's questioning look) I really think me and her could've had something special... He puts his hat back on his head, moves away... TIME CUT TO: 31A INT. LEE'S CUBICLE - DAY #4 where Dax is seated in Lee's chair; we pick her, Sisko and Bashir up in mid-conversation. DAX -- so what you're saying is that even if I could get you out of the Sanctuary, you wouldn't leave. SISKO Those hostages have to be protected, whatever the cost. Dax acknowledges, she understands the stakes. BASHIR You said that one of the men who brought you here took your combadge... DAX That's right. And it's set to emit a subspace distress signal. SISKO Julian, I want you to help Dax find the men who took her combadge... and then I want you both to get away from this place. DAX But if the Defiant locks on to my distress signal... and we're not together... SISKO As soon as the hostages are in police custody, I'll try to get back to the beam-in site.