DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 16. 10 CONTINUED: (3) B.C. (sarcastic) Sounds good to me. Why don't you have them throw in some silk shirts and a penthouse in Singapore while you're at it? (a beat) Jobs. You guys want jobs? When are you going to figure it out? There are no jobs. Not for us, anyway. SISKO They'll find us jobs. They'll have to. After tonight, they won't be able to ignore us anymore. B.C. considers for a beat. B.C. All right, we'll do it your way; see what happens. I'll log onto the Interface. I'll tell them we want the District closed. See what happens. SISKO Not you. (points to Webb) Him. WEBB Funny, I would've nominated you. B.C. (offended) What? Is something wrong with me? I can be as eloquent as the next guy. SISKO I'm sure you can. But they won't be able to dismiss Webb as easily as they would you or me. He's got the face. He's got the family. He's the guy next door. And that's what they need to see. CUT TO: