DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 46 CONTINUED: DAX Would you please stop following me? BAREIL Gladly... if you'll stop running away. I have something important to discuss with you. DAX Discuss it with Kira. I'm not interested. She turns and walks away. BAREIL But I don't want to talk to Kira. 47 ANGLE ON SISKO AND JAKE Sisko is at another part of the buffet table, looking like he's not having the greatest time either as he's being pestered by Jake. JAKE But Dad, you promised that Nerys would be here. SISKO She will be. And stop calling her Nerys. Suddenly Sisko stiffens as he is goosed by someone off-screen. He turns around and sees it's Dax. DAX (mischievous) Peldor Joi. She walks away, looking over her shoulder, giving him a come- hither look. Odo and Lwaxana, who have witnessed this exchange, join Sisko. LWAXANA Commander, I didn't know you and Lieutenant Dax were so close. SISKO (troubled) We're not. (hits combadge) Sisko to Bashir.