DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/03/94 - ACT FIVE 51A. 45 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT (contemptuous) A Federation trial... SISKO It's the best I can do. Dukat thinks about this for a long beat. GUL DUKAT I would be willing to hand over the Maquis and the ship... but not Riker. He led the mission... if I can bring him to justice, and obtain information on Orias, that might be enough for the Central Command. Now it's Sisko's turn to think about this for a moment. SISKO I might be able to get him to agree to that... on one condition. We both know that Cardassian sentences are determined well in advance of the trial. I'd like you to arrange for a sentence other than death. GUL DUKAT I'll have to clear it with the Ministry of Justice. Sisko glances up at the display screen which shows the Defiant getting closer and closer to the Obsidian Order ships. SISKO You'd better make it quick. Dukat moves o.s. and Sisko continues to watch the screen. CUT TO: 46 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before.