169:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 38 CONTINUED: (2) KORINAS You'll send no ships to the Orias system. GUL DUKAT You're an observer here. You have no authority to -- KORINAS That sector is under direct control of the Obsidian Order and you will not enter it. GUL DUKAT Why? KORINAS (cool) The matter is classified. GUL DUKAT (contemptuous) You can file a protest with the Central Command later. (to Soldier) Open a channel to Gul Ranor and-- KORINAS (calm) Any warship sent into the Orias system will be destroyed. Everyone turns and looks at Korinas in shock and a tense silence fills the room. GUL DUKAT Are you saying that you will... fire on another Cardassian ship? KORINAS What I'm saying is that the Obsidian Order will take whatever steps are necessary to protect the Orias system. (beat) And so will I. Sisko and Dukat exchange a look, as they both realize that there is more going on here than either suspected... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR