DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 38 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Don't you see what's happened? Each Defiant attack has been designed to draw your ships away from... (he points to a certain point on the display) ... this sector, leaving it virtually defenseless. Dukat leans forward. GUL DUKAT But there's nothing of value in that sector. SISKO There must be something. Are there any Class-M planets there? Dukat checks a monitor. GUL DUKAT There's one. Orias Three. It's uninhabited... desolate. Sisko frowns... looks puzzled. SISKO I don't know... everything seems to point to the Orias System. (beat) It might be worth sending at least one warship there just in case the Defiant does show up. Dukat considers, isn't sure whether he really believes it. But he grudgingly decides to check it out. GUL DUKAT (reluctant) All right. (to Soldier) Contact Gul Ranor and tell him to dispatch one warship to the-- KORINAS (quickly) No. They look at her in surprise.