11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/06/94 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 34 INT. DEFIANT - KIRA'S QUARTERS Riker is looking over what's left of the replicator and the bulkhead in Kira's Quarters. A large section of the bulkhead has been blown out, leaving a scorched and charred gaping hole. There are a few scorch marks in the rest of the room. Kira is sitting on the lower bunkbed, having her arm and shoulder treated by Tamal, who is using a medical device to heal her own burns. RIKER (re: bulkhead) You crossed the replicator power converter with the plasma manifold, I take it? KIRA (wincing) That's right. RIKER Nice work. (turns to her) You realize we'll have this bypassed in thirty minutes. KIRA At least you'll be visible for thirty minutes. RIKER Fortunately, I was able to move us into a nebula. No one's going to see us. Tamal finishes and Kira flexes her arm cautiously. KIRA (to Tamal) Thanks. Riker nods to Tamal, who then EXITS. RIKER You're lucky you only got a little singed. That whole plasma relay could've exploded. KIRA That was the idea.