26:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 09/30/94 - ACT THREE 32. 32 CONTINUED: (3) ANOTHER DEFIANT SYMBOL appears on the viewer. This Defiant is near a different section of the border. The Cardassian warships are still following the wrong ship. GUL DUKAT (to Soldier) Tell Toran to head for Outpost forty- seven! SOLDIER The Defiant has decloaked and begun to attack the outpost. On the screen, the Defiant ATTACKS the outpost. The Cardassian warships are heading toward it now, but they're too far away. SOLDIER We've lost contact with Outpost Forty- seven. There's a long, quiet moment as everyone reacts to this setback. SOLDIER (off console) Incoming message from Gul Toran. Defiant SYMBOL on the viewer DISAPPEARS. SOLDIER (continuing) The Defiant has recloaked... it's last know heading was... one four eight, mark two one five. GUL DUKAT Directly into the heart of Cardassian territory. There's a grim beat in the now quiet War Room as everyone takes in the implications of that statement. Gul Dukat sits down heavily in his chair. After a beat, Korinas stands, straightens her outfit and then slowly and calmly walks toward the Exit.