DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 09/30/94 - ACT THREE 30. 32 CONTINUED: The largest monitor in the room now changes to a tactical display of a section of the Cardassian border. On the screen, we can see symbols representing Cardassian warships and outposts deployed along the border. On the other side of the border is a symbol that represents an "unknown" ship heading toward a Cardassian border outpost. From her station, Korinas notes everything that happens, but she is cool and unperturbed throughout the scene. GUL DUKAT (continuing) Who's commanding the outpost nearest that ship? SOLDIER Gul Toran of the Sixth Order. (reacts to console) And he's identified the vessel... it's the Defiant. The symbol on the screen now changes from an unknown symbol to a distinctive emblem which will represent the Defiant from now on. Sisko frowns at the display... something about this doesn't feel right to him. GUL DUKAT Order all warships in that sector to converge on the Defiant. SISKO Something's wrong... why wouldn't they be cloaked? (to Soldier) Can you show me the sensor information on the Defiant? The Soldier looks up at Dukat, who nods agreement... then the Soldier works for a moment and a console screen suddenly displays complex SENSOR information, which Sisko begins checking over. Korinas takes note of this exchange and when Dukat glances up at her, he stiffens slightly at her steady gaze.