149:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - 09/29/94 - ACT TWO 20. 22 CONTINUED: GUL DUKAT What? ODO Thomas Riker was serving aboard the starship Gandhi. While he was there, he began to express certain... political opinions... opinions that support the Maquis and their goals. SISKO The Gandhi's captain said that Riker was adamantly opposed to stopping Maquis raids against Cardassian targets. Dukat gets up... shocked by this turn of events... he takes a few steps as he tries to let this sink in. GUL DUKAT You're telling me that one of the most heavily armed warships in this quadrant is now in the hands of Maquis terrorists? Do you have any idea what kind of response this will provoke from the Central Command? SISKO They'll probably want to send ships into the Demilitarized Zone to conduct a search. We understand that. But... any entry into the zone must be a joint operation between Cardassia and the Federation. GUL DUKAT (with contempt) The Central Command won't be interested in any "joint operations," commander. They're not going to believe this story of yours about transporter duplicates and security failures.