DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - REV. 10/05/94 - ACT ONE 12. 9 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) where we can see the DEFIANT docked at the station. 10 INT. AIRLOCK An armed security guard is stationed outside the airlock. A computer terminal is nearby. Kira and Riker approach. Kira taps some commands into the computer terminal. COMPUTER VOICE Please identify for access to USS Defiant. Kira puts her hand on a computer panel, which LIGHTS UP. KIRA Major Kira Nerys, Bajoran militia. COMPUTER VOICE Identity confirmed. Riker steps up, puts his hand on the same panel. RIKER Commander William Riker, Starfleet. COMPUTER VOICE Identity confirmed. The Guard then works his terminal for a moment. The airlock OPENS. Kira and Riker EXIT into the airlock. 11 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The Defiant Bridge is mostly DARK -- only one or two consoles are lit. Kira and Riker ENTER and see Chief O'Brien is lying under a console, with his head inside the open panel. Kira is a little surprised, but the look on Riker's face says that he's not very happy about this particular surprise. KIRA Chief. I didn't know there was anyone aboard tonight. O'BRIEN'S VOICE (from inside panel) I hadn't planned to... just putting in a little extra work on the deflector targeting arrays.