DEEP SPACE: "Defiant" - 09/29/94 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: DAX Who's in with Benjamin? KIRA (a little embarrassed) Oh... it's Wil -- Commander Wil Riker from the Enterprise. Dax smiles at the name. DAX Wil Riker... KIRA You know him? DAX Met him at Quark's about a year ago. Quite a dabo player. (beat) Do you know him? KIRA (casual) Yes... a little. We met at Quark's... last night. Kira focuses on the console in front of her... Dax picks up on the subtext and she presses a little. DAX You met... last night... and... KIRA And we talked. DAX And then... KIRA And then nothing. We just talked. (beat) For three hours. Dax nods with a knowing smile on her face. KIRA (stern) We... just... talked. And yes, he's a very warm... very charming man... but I'm involved with someone.