117:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/22/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 61 CONTINUED: BASHIR Commander, I'm reading intense seismic activity throughout the planet's crust... O'BRIEN (off console) It better shift soon, or it's going to tear itself apart. Off their realization that Meridian is in danger... 61A EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY (OPTICAL) The TREMORS have intensified. As Dax watches, everything around her begins to SHIMMER and FADE until the Meridians lose cohesion, turning into ghost-like misty energy figures -- but Dax remains solid. Deral extends a shimmering hand to Dax... DERAL Jadzia... Dax tries to take hold of Deral's hand, but their hands pass through each other. Everything around Dax seems to be trapped in an intermediate state between matter and energy... In his last moment of cohesion, Deral looks at her... their eyes say it all. And then he slips away... Dax can't breath without an atmosphere, begins to drift helplessly as the ground, the environment, loses cohesion around her... gravity disappears... 61B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) O'BRIEN (off console) I'm picking up some kind of singularity in the planet's quantum matrix... it's interfering with the dimensional shift... BASHIR (off console) It's functioning almost like an anchor... O'BRIEN Commander, it's Dax -- her presence there is destabilizing the matrix.