DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/26/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 54 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN According to Deral's calculations, the dimensional shift should occur within the next forty-seven minutes. DAX (to O'Brien) Think you'll be done overhauling the station by the time I see you again? O'BRIEN I doubt it... They share a smile. She squeezes Sisko's hand as she moves past him and onto the transporter pad. When she's in position: DAX Tell Quark I'll be back to collect the three strips of latinum he owes me... with sixty years interest. They all smile, but it's bittersweet. After a beat. SISKO Energize. O'Brien works the controls. 55 ON SISKO AND THE OTHERS as they watch her DEMATERIALIZE... knowing they won't see her again for a very long time. 56 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY where Dax has just MATERIALIZED. Deral sees her, and approaches, a smile on his features. DERAL (wry) I was beginning to think you were having second thoughts... Dax smiles, still feeling the sadness of leaving her friends. DAX No... just saying good-bye.