DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 43 CONTINUED: DERAL I said I would... and I will. DAX I know what you said... but what do you want? DERAL (a sad smile) To be with you... DAX But you're worried about your people. DERAL There are so few of us, Jadzia... and now that Meridian has a future again, they need me. Dax sees that Deral is faced with an impossible decision... and that there's only one solution. DAX Then you have to stay. He looks at her, not understanding. DERAL And lose you? No. DAX What if you didn't have to lose me? (off his look) What if I stayed here with you? Deral looks at her, touched by the offer. DERAL I wish you could... but it's not possible... your molecular structure wouldn't survive the dimensional shift. DAX We could use the transporter buffer to match my quantum matrix to yours. Deral hears the certainty her voice.