DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/21/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 40 CONTINUED: Quark ENTERS, looking surprisingly jovial. QUARK Tiron, I was just thinking about you. TIRON And I was thinking about you. About your reputation as a man who can get anything for a price. Quark waves this off with false modesty. QUARK Stop, you're embarrassing me... TIRON (a threat) I'll embarrass you even more if you don't get me my program. QUARK Not to worry. Quark brandishes an ISOLINEAR ROD he pulls from his pocket. TIRON Is that it? QUARK No... It's a high-level decryption protocol... and I'm going to use it to get the final information I need for your program. (a beat) It cost me dearly. TIRON If it works, it'll be worth whatever you paid. QUARK I was hoping you'd say that. I'll put it on your bill. TIRON Fine. Just get me my program. I leave in two days. QUARK You'll have it. And I assure you it'll be worth the wait. I'll stake my reputation on it.