11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/29/94 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it orbits Meridian. 38A EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY Seltin and a handful of Meridians are heading for the door to one of the buildings -- they're all in an upbeat mood, having heard the news that Meridian can be saved. Dax and Deral approach. SELTIN (seeing them) Deral... we've been looking for you. (smiles) Commander Sisko told us the good news. She and Deral share a hug of happiness... SELTIN (to Dax) I can't thank you enough for all you've done... DAX I'm glad we were able to help. SELTIN The next time Meridian returns here, we'll have thirty years for our people to get to know one another better. Deral knows that what he has to tell Seltin might spoil her mood... but he knows he has to do it. DERAL (to Seltin) I need to discuss something with you. SELTIN Of course... (gesturing to the door) I've called a meeting... now that we have a future again, we need to start planning for it.