11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 EXT. MERIDIAN SETTLEMENT (MATTE SHOT) - DAY from a distance. 25 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY A few days later. As the Meridians go about their activities, Dax and Deral are seated side-by-side at a table, a few PADDS spread out around them. They've been working for hours. After a beat, she looks up from her PADD. DAX How are those calculations coming... ? DERAL I'm checking them now... A beat as he works. DERAL (frustrated) It's the same as before... there's nothing to indicate that gamma bursts are causing the quantum fluctuations. He tosses his PADD down. Dax sees how frustrated he is, leans closer to him, caresses his face with her hand... DAX Then something else must be triggering the dimensional shifts. Whatever it is, we'll find it. He looks at her for a beat, then nods... takes her hand -- they're in this together. Dax's combadge SOUNDS. SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Dax. DAX Go ahead, Commander. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: