DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/23/94 - ACT TWO 28. 20 CONTINUED: (2) DERAL You've barely said a word since we left the settlement. DAX I don't know if you noticed or not... but Seltin didn't seem too happy when she saw us leave together. DERAL (smiles) She'd probably prefer if I was walking with Keshara... or Renar. (beat) Ever since my wife died... everyone's been wondering when I'd find myself another companion. DAX Why haven't you? DERAL (smiles) I guess I've just been waiting for the right woman to fall out of the sky... DAX That probably doesn't happen very often. DERAL It only has to happen once. They glance at each other both knowing he's talking about her. DERAL (continuing) Don't worry about Seltin. After all, we both know this is just a harmless little walk. DAX Absolutely. He stops, looks at a nearby tree. DERAL With a brief stop to climb a tree. He moves to the base of the tree... DERAL Come on.