11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/28/94 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 EXT. VILLAGE COMMONS - DAY As we PAN across the activity in the square, we see children playing with a ball, a family with a picnic basket, heading out of the city, people carrying baskets of fresh flowers, etc. A Meridian is showing O'Brien how to play a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Bashir is scanning someone with his tricorder. FIND Sisko and Seltin in mid-conversation, standing near the door to a building. SELTIN We deeply appreciate your offer of help, Commander... SISKO If there is a way to stabilize the dimensional shifts, we'll do everything we can to find it. SELTIN (grateful) That's all we can ask... Suddenly Sisko reacts to something -- A light, metallic ball whizzes into frame toward them -- Sisko expertly snatches it from the air. Two young Meridian CHILDREN come running up after the ball. SISKO Here you go... He tosses the ball back to one of them, LITO. LITO Do you want to play vajhaq with us?