DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - REV. 09/27/94 - ACT ONE 18. 13 CONTINUED: DERAL (gesturing) -- just beyond that forest there's a little garden with a small pond. DAX It sounds lovely. DERAL It is. They reach a corner of the square, Deral settles onto a bench, and Dax leans against a nearby wall, looks out across the compound. DAX Deral, our scans showed that there are only about thirty of you on the entire planet... DERAL There were never many of us... we're the descendants of an expedition that was stranded here millennia ago. DAX And your population hasn't increased since then? DERAL It did, for a time... but over the last few centuries our numbers have dwindled. She hears the gravity in his tone, realizes that something's wrong. DERAL You see, we only reproduce when we're in humanoid form... and our time here keeps growing shorter. In twelve days, Meridian will shift back into it's non-corporeal state. Dax reacts -- it seems so short a time. DAX And stay there for sixty years... ?