DEEP SPACE: "Meridian" - 09/20/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: KIRA Odo, I know you don't need to eat... but have you ever tried to anyway? Odo takes a beat, as if this were a slightly uncomfortable topic. ODO Once... not long after I was first able to assume humanoid form. Kira waits for him to continue; when he doesn't. KIRA And? ODO Since I don't have taste buds, it was very unsatisfying... not to mention messy. KIRA Messy? ODO I'd rather not talk about it. Before Kira has time to continue, an alien male, TIRON, approaches their table. He's tall and nattily dressed, with jeweled RINGS on more than one of his fingers. While he comports himself with what he probably believes is a certain suaveness, he comes off a bit arrogant.