DEEP SPACE: "Second Skin" - REV. 08/23/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 55A NEW ANGLE - CLOSE ON A KIRA'S HAND As she inserts the Cardassian datarod into a slot on the desk. 56 NEW ANGLE - CLOSE ON A MONITOR (OPTICAL) The monitor on Iliana's desk brings up a freeze frame of ILIANA, sitting in her room. Kira looks at it for a beat, then seems to come to a decision. KIRA Begin playback. In response to Kira's command, the image comes to life and Iliana starts talking. Iliana is a young woman trying very hard to be brave and professional. ILIANA (on monitor, smiles) Hello, Iliana. Welcome home. (gets serious) I've been asked to make these recordings for myself, for you, to help my memory recover when I get back. 57 INCLUDE KIRA As she reacts to the recording. ILIANA (on monitor, continues) I go in for my surgery tomorrow. I'm going to miss Cardassia. But I know I'm doing the right thing. The terrorism on Bajor has to be stopped. (sadder) Father doesn't want me to go. Mother just looks unhappy all the time. I hope they'll understand some day. I want them to be proud of me. And as Kira watches this Cardassian version of herself, we... CUT TO: