12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Second Skin" - REV. 08/23/94 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 50 INT. GHEMOR'S HOME - MAIN ROOM - DAY (CONTINUOUS) Kira looks in disbelief at her own dead body. It's hard to doubt what she's seeing, but she tries to come up with possible explanations. KIRA It's a fake. A clone... or a hologram. This whole place could be a holodeck for all I know. Entek doesn't respond to her charges. Instead, he tries a completely different tack. ENTEK Remember the time you were on long- range reconnaissance in the Bestri Woods. You thought you saw a Cardassian soldier and opened fire on him. You hit your target, only to find out... KIRA (surprised, finishing for him) I killed a Hara Cat. ENTEK A mother Hara Cat, who was nursing her young. The story saddens Kira and takes some of the wind out of her sails. KIRA How did you know about that? I never told that story to anyone. ENTEK I know about it because we placed that story in your memories, Iliana. Just like we gave you every other memory you have. What we couldn't extract from the real Kira, we got from other prisoners... or just invented ourselves. Kira reacts to what he's said. Maybe for the first time since she regained consciousness on Cardassia, Kira is beginning to doubt herself.