DEEP SPACE: "Second Skin" - REV. 08/23/94 - ACT THREE 32. 42 CONTINUED: SISKO I'd like to hear it again, firsthand. GARAK This is pointless. Believe me, there's nothing you can do. If my friend is correct, and Major Kira is being held by the Obsidian Order, retrieving her would be quite impossible. ODO Maybe impossible for us... but not for you. Garak's discomfort increases markedly. GARAK I'm afraid you overestimate my abilities. SISKO I hope not... Because I intend to put those abilities to the test. (off Garak's reaction) The three of us are going to Cardassia. GARAK The three of us? You can't be serious. (sees that they are) Commander, if I were allowed on Cardassia, do you really think I'd be living here? SISKO Which brings up an interesting point. (off Garak's reaction) Garak, certain ministers in the Bajoran government have expressed concern about your presence on this station. In fact, they want you removed. Right now, I see no alternative but to agree with their request. (going in for the kill) Unless of course, I can show them that you might be valuable to them.