DEEP SPACE: "Second Skin" - REV. 08/23/94 - ACT THREE 31. 39 CONTINUED: (4) GHEMOR This is my fault. I never should've let you go on that mission. I could've prevented it. A well placed word here, a favor from a friend there... you never would've known. But you were so determined to go... so proud that you'd been chosen, that I didn't have the heart to stop you. (sad) Your mother never forgave me. Kira looks at Ghemor for a long beat, as if weighing what he's said. KIRA You're good. Really good. (off Ghemor's reaction) The house... the food... the stories... It's all very convincing. (cold) But I don't believe a word of it. Kira starts to walk away. GHEMOR Iliana... I just want you to know... I'm sorry. Kira doesn't respond, but EXITS toward Iliana's room. 40 CLOSE ON GHEMOR As he reacts, saddened by Kira's utter lack of belief. 41 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As before. 42 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Garak is in the middle of being questioned by Sisko and Odo. From the look of things, Sisko and Odo don't like his answers any more than Garak likes being there. GARAK Commander, I've already told the good doctor everything I know.