DEEP SPACE: "Second Skin" - REV. 08/22/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: KIRA No... I'm kind of looking forward to it. Except for the crashing part. Dax gets up. She's glad she's finally getting Kira to relax and have some fun. DAX Don't worry. You won't crash. We'll start with an easy simulation... like sailing across the Great Erg on New Mecca. (excited) You'll see... this'll be terrific. Dax and Kira start toward the holosuites, but... N.D. COM VOICE Ops to Major Kira. KIRA (to com) Kira here. N.D. COM VOICE You have an incoming communication from the Bajoran Central Archives. Kira would like to ignore it, but duty calls. KIRA (to com) I'm in the Replimat. I'll take it down here. (to Dax, apologetic) This'll only take a minute. 3 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Kira walks up to a monitor on one of the walls of the Replimat. She activates it and the image of ARCHIVIST ALENIS GREM appears. Alenis is an older, professorial Bajoran woman, someone more comfortable with books and data than people.