73:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/16/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 39 CONTINUED: The Nurse is a little taken by surprise by this order, but EXITS as he's told. Bashir immediately moves to Jadzia's side and starts scanning her. RENHOL I don't have time for this, Commander. The symbiont is in danger. SISKO So is Jadzia. RENHOL I can't do anything for her. Sisko fixes her with a look. SISKO Can't? -- or won't. RENHOL I resent that implication. SISKO And I resent having to watch my friend die just so you can protect your secret. RENHOL What secret? SISKO I think you know -- and the thought of it becoming public scares the hell out of you. RENHOL Commander, I don't know what you're talking about. SISKO I'm talking about the fact that eighty- six years ago the Symbiosis Commission mistakenly gave the Dax symbiont to Joran Belar. RENHOL I don't recall ever seeing any mention of a Joran Dax in our records.