11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/16/94 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 39 INT. DAX'S ROOM AT THE SYMBIOSIS COMMISSION Renhol and a Nurse are running a few final scans on Jadzia, who's unconscious, a neural sleep-inducer attached to her forehead (a small PAD with BLINKIES on it). Renhol checks her PADD. RENHOL Her isoboramine levels have dropped to forty-four percent... (with regret) Tell Doctor Torvin to prepare the new host for surgery... we'll begin transferring the symbiont in fifteen minutes. The Nurse nods, turns toward the door -- and sees Sisko and Bashir standing there, having ENTERED moments before. SISKO (to Nurse) Tell Doctor Torvin to get himself a cup of raktajino... he won't be needed. RENHOL Commander Sisko, how dare you come in here and -- BASHIR It's over, Doctor. We know all about Joran Belar. Renhol keeps her features even, but she realizes our people know the truth, and she's not at all happy about it. She turns to the Nurse. RENHOL Wait outside. Tell the surgeons to stand by.