DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/15/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Sisko turns to the viewscreen, where YOLAD'S face has appeared. He's a very old unjoined Trill with faded mottling and grey hair. His manner is a little cantankerous. He's standing in front of a very simple one wall set. YOLAD Yes, can I help you? SISKO I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko of the Federation Starbase Deep Space Nine... YOLAD What does a Starfleet officer want with me? SISKO Are you Yolad Belar? YOLAD I am. Why? SISKO We're trying to find information about a man named Joran Belar. Did you know him? YOLAD Of course I did. He was my brother. Sisko and Bashir react -- this is good news. SISKO (double-checking) He was a composer... ? YOLAD That's right... we graduated from the same music academy. Sisko and Bashir react -- SISKO Are you aware his record has been purged from the Academy's files? YOLAD (perplexed) That doesn't make any sense... What's all this about?