23:[1,#b],30:[1,#b],115:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT THREE 38. 31A NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Dax's hand touches the mask, it suddenly shatters, revealing the face underneath -- it's Joran, the composer who's face we saw on the Bridge monitor. Dax reacts and we -- CUT TO: 32 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE where Dax's body suddenly tenses... her eyes close, her muscles start to tremble -- she's going into some sort of seizure... SISKO Dax! She starts to collapse and Sisko has to move fast to catch her... they lower her to the ground, and Bashir quickly ascertains what's wrong -- BASHIR She's gone into neural shock. Off his grim look we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE