DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT THREE 29. 23 CONTINUED: SISKO That's long before Jadzia was an Initiate. DAX And none of my other hosts had bad memories of being here. Renhol doesn't seem particularly troubled by this. RENHOL With seven lifetimes worth of memories... it's no surprise things would get a little jumbled. SISKO So you feel we're on the right track with these treatments? RENHOL I do. (to Dax) But I still want to see you tomorrow. Dax acknowledges and Renhol takes her leave. Sisko turns to Dax, sees that she still looks worried... something's on her mind. SISKO What's on your mind, Dax? DAX I wish I knew what those hallucinations meant. SISKO The computer's still trying to identify the music... maybe that'll tell us something. DAX I hope so. Sisko and Bashir hear the frustration in her voice.