11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/16/94 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 22 EXT. TRILL CAPITOL CITY (MATTE SHOT) - DAY 23 INT. DAX'S ROOM AT THE SYMBIOSIS COMMISSION A distraught-looking Dax is seated on the diagnostic table as Doctor Renhol examines her with a small SCANNER. Bashir and Sisko look on, concern etched on their feures. BASHIR I don't understand why she'd have another hallucination... I've checked her isoboramine levels -- they've risen another six percent. RENHOL (nods) That's a larger increase than I'd anticipated. (considers) The suddenness could be what triggered her hallucination. (works her PADD) I want you to start administering more frequent treatments but at a lower dosage. She shows him the dosage she wants on the PADD, and Bashir acknowledges with a nod. Dax seems troubled by something... DAX Doctor, the two people who attacked me... they were from the Symbiosis Commission. RENHOL Hallucinations often take the form of latent anxieties... (a small smile) -- and we all know the time you spent here wasn't always easy for you. DAX But the uniforms they were wearing... they were from over a hundred years ago.