DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT TWO 17. 11 CONTINUED: SISKO A little over thirty-seven hours. How's Dax? BASHIR Resting in her quarters. A small silence settles between them. SISKO It's funny... it's been almost four years since Curzon died... and I still miss the old man. (beat) At first I didn't think I'd ever get used to a new Dax... but now... if anything were to happen to Jadzia... BASHIR I know... I feel the same way... (beat) We'll just have to make sure nothing happens to her. Right? SISKO Right. They share a supportive smile... each aware that a pact has been made, and each feeling a little better for it. Off this moment... 12 INT. DEFIANT - BASHIR'S QUARTERS (VPB) where he's reclined on the lower bunk in his PAJAMAS, studying up on Trill physiology on a PADD. The lights are quite DIM, except for his reading light. After a moment there's a CHIME at the door. BASHIR Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Dax in the corridor, wearing simple nightclothes. DAX Oh, good. I didn't wake you. BASHIR (sitting up) Not at all.