DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/10/94 - ACT TWO 14. 9 CONTINUED: DAX That's what's so strange. He seemed familiar somehow... but I don't know from where. (intent) And the music. Benjamin, I have to find out what that music is. SISKO Why don't you input as much as you can remember into the computer -- it might be able to find a match in the Federation database. DAX I'll do it as soon as Julian lets me out of here. Bashir studies his Tricorder, regards Dax for a beat. BASHIR Jadzia... have you ever experienced any hallucinations prior to this? DAX Never... and I hope I never have another one. It was terrifying... BASHIR Have any of Dax's other hosts? DAX No... believe me I'd remember. Bashir studies Dax's file on a monitor.