156:[1,#b],178:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/15/94 - ACT ONE 12. 6 CONTINUED: She moves off, fighting the urge to break into a run. As she comes around the free-standing directory console, she has to stop short to keep from running into the masked figure -- it's standing directly in her path, not six feet away. Before Dax even has time to react the figure reaches up and tears off its mask, ripping it in half -- revealing a sinister, identifiably masculine mask, from behind which piercing humanoid eyes stare at her. Dax gasps, steps back... and bumps smack into someone -- she reacts, startled, and we -- CUT TO: 7 OMITTED 8 NEW ANGLE - NORMAL LIGHTING where we see that Dax has backed into QUARK. The Promenade is full of people as before. Quark sees her troubled expression. QUARK Something wrong, Lieutenant? Dax doesn't answer; when she turns back toward the masked figure, he's gone. Dax looks around, trying to find him in the crowd -- but he's disappeared. Off her troubled features we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE