DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT ONE 9. 3 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You mind telling me what's going on here? DAX Don't play innocent with me, Benjamin. We both know you were trying to cheat me. Why don't you just admit it? With a sudden movement she upends the board, scattering the pieces. And with that she EXITS the room... Off Sisko's concerned expression as he watches her go... 4 INT. REPLIMAT (VPB) where Dax is sitting at a table, brooding, a mug of raktajino forgotten in front of her. KIRA (O.S.) Dax... ? Dax looks up to see Kira standing nearby. DAX Did Sisko send you to apologize for him? KIRA No. But he is a little concerned about what happened. I thought you might want to talk about it. DAX There's nothing to talk about. KIRA You can't really think he tried to cheat you? DAX I knew you'd take his side. KIRA I'm not taking anyone's side. DAX In that case... I think you should leave. KIRA Dax --