DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - ACT ONE 8. 3 CONTINUED: Dax takes just a cursory glance at the pieces and counters. Sisko seems surprised by her choice, as if he thinks it was a bad move. SISKO You sure you want to do that? DAX (even) Your move. Sisko shrugs, if that's the way she wants it. He moves a piece, looks at her. SISKO Check. DAX Where'd that Knight come from? SISKO Your mind's not on the game. DAX Oh, so you made an illegal move to get my attention... ? Sisko is taken completely by surprise by the accusation. SISKO Of course not. It was a legal move. (beat) Look, maybe we should just call it a day. You obviously have other things on your mind. Dax looks at him, her features cold. DAX Curzon always suspected you were a cheat. Sisko can't believe what he's hearing; he's too surprised to be angry. SISKO Is this some kind of joke? She holds his gaze... this is no joke.