152:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Equilibrium" - REV. 08/11/94 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (4) DAX You would think one of us would've been born without a tin ear. Dax manages to pick out a series of chords that have a smooth, almost lyrical progression to them. KIRA Sounds like one of you had some talent, after all. Dax looks down at the keyboard, suddenly very serious. She concentrates and plays the same piece a second time. BASHIR That was lovely. DAX (sharply) Quiet. Her hands flutter across the keyboard as if trying to remember an old skill... but she can't. She tries to play again, but now the music comes out discordant and arbitrary. DAX (frustrated) That's not it... KIRA What piece was that? DAX I don't know. I don't think I ever heard it before. BASHIR Maybe you hit on it by accident. You know, beginner's luck. DAX (searching her memory) I know it somehow. JAKE Dinner's ready!