217:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - REV. 08/04/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 26 INT. GREAT HALL - DAY Quark, wearing the formal robes seen earlier, is addressing Gowron and the assembled Council. D'Ghor is standing nearby, watching the proceedings with a glare. Quark is taking the Council step by step through the financial maze... each of the Council members is following Quark's presentation on a PADD of their own... although they occasionally have to look over each other's shoulder as he takes them through a complex transaction. Quark is completely in his element here... utterly confident now that he's dealing with things he understands. Grilka is standing behind Quark and there are a couple of N.D. Klingons watching the proceedings. QUARK (referring to PADD) ... so as you can see from the gross adjusted assets tabulation in column J, the net value of the land acquisition was actually zero. (picks up another PADD) Now, if you'll go to the file marked "Devaluation of Capital Income," we can review the way D'Ghor has -- Gowron finally throws the PADD down in disgust. GOWRON Enough! I don't want to hear anything more about... finances, mergers, or currency transactions. Gowron stands and moves closer to D'Ghor. GOWRON The charge has been made that you have used... (with distaste) ... money to bring down a great House. What do you say to this, D'Ghor? D'GHOR I say he is a liar... that he has smeared my name... and I demand vengeance through personal combat.