41:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT TWO 19. 9 CONTINUED: D'GHOR (continuing) My brother... killed by a miserable Ferengi... I would never have believed it possible. QUARK I can explain... D'GHOR You'd better. I want to know exactly how Kozak died. (pulls a knife) And if I don't like what I hear... QUARK (quickly) You'll like it, believe me. (beat) He was in the bar... I asked him to pay his tab... he refused... I was willing to let it go at that... but then he grabbed his knife and came at me. And the truth is... he was so... inebriated that he... just... fell... and... D'GHOR (deadly) I hope you're not going to tell me he died in an accident. QUARK (confused) You do? D'GHOR Yes. Because there's no honor in such a death. And if Kozak died in disgrace, that disgrace would be passed along to the rest of his family. (moves closer with knife) So if you were the cause of an accident which will dishonor my entire family... then I'm going to kill you and shove your miserable corpse out the nearest airlock. This catches Quark completely off-guard... he's not sure what to do.