36:[1,#b],100:[1,#b],102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The House... " - 08/01/94 - ACT ONE 7. 2 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (beat) Beginning with your salary. ROM How big of a cutback? QUARK I'd probably have to cut it back to... zero. As Rom takes in this horrifying possibility, Odo comes up to talk to them. ODO All right, Quark... start at the beginning and tell me -- Rom spins around instantly. ROM (quickly) My brother fought a desperate hand- to-hand battle with the Klingon and was forced to kill in self-defense. Odo looks from Quark to the oversized Klingon lying on the deck. ODO You... killed him? QUARK I'm sorry, but I couldn't avoid it. Quark moves away from Odo and begins to play out the scene for the crowd. Bashir has finished with the body, and the Nurse takes it away on the gurney. Bashir now begins to listen as well.