140:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "THE Search, II" - 07/19/94 - ACT FIVE 64. 78 CONTINUED: Kira reaches out and takes Odo's hand in hers. He's surprised and touched by the gesture. KIRA (hits combadge) Kira to Defiant. Two to beam up. They DEMATERIALIZE. 79 INT. DEFIANT BRIDGE Odo and Kira walk in from the Corridor, having beamed in o.s. Everyone's glad to see them. Kira takes her seat. Sisko and Odo exchange a welcome nod. Then Sisko turns to Dax at the helm. SISKO (smiling) Take us home, Lieutenant. DAX (working helm) Yes, Sir. SISKO (to Odo) Constable, we have a lot to talk about. ODO You're right Commander, we do. 80 CLOSE ON ODO Aware he's sacrificed his dreams of home. But as painful as that sacrifice is, he's still satisfied he's made the right decision. 81 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE